Construct Sequence
The Construct Sequence tabbed page allows you to create an alphanumerically-named sequence of filenames by specifying a base name (such as Image) and a suffix (such as 01 to 99). A list of files than therefore be renamed to Image01.jpg, Image02.jpg, and so on.

When you select this tabbed page, you can use the Up/Down arrow-buttons beside the file list to adjust the order of the files. When the files are renamed, the first file in the list will be given the first alphanumeric suffix ('A', or '01', for example), the second will receive the second suffix ('B' or '02'), and so on.

Place the files in the required order in the list, specify the naming structure to use, and click the Rename button to rename the files.

Base filename
Type a filename that should be given to each of the files listed.

Sequence of suffixes
Choose a sequence from the drop down list. Make sure you choose a sequence that offers at least as many unique names as there are files in the list (see below).

Starting from
Select the position in the chosen sequence from which the renaming should start. For instance, if you choose 001 to 999 in the field above, you can choose to rename the selected files starting from 091 rather than 001.

By default, the files will keep their original extensions when renamed. If you want to apply a particular extension to all the listed files, select the Use this extension option and type a new extension (with or without a leading dot).

When you click the Rename button, Batch Rename first checks the number of files selected against the maximum length of the chosen sequence and starting point. If you have 15 files and chose the 0 to 9 sequence, only the first 10 files can be renamed (since 0 to 9 only allows for 10 unique filenames). Similarly, if you chose the A to Z sequence but chose a starting point of R, the end of the sequence would be reached before all the files could be renamed. You will be given the choice of renaming those files and ignoring the rest, or canceling.

If a file already exists with the same name as one of the renamed files, you will be given the choice of replacing it, skipping that file, or canceling the operation.